First Post!


Well two days into my so called Semi Retirement went to the doctors and with in an hour was on my way to hospital in the back of an Ambulance with a suspected heart attack, prob one of the scariest moments in my life.
 don't need this now!
But on the bright side after a few hours of tests my old ticker is fine,  it was a ongoing problem with my stomach, phew!!! hope to get it sorted before I go don't want stomach problems when abroad, so fingers crossed all back on track and due to depart from the UK 21st August.

The weekend of the 20th August will be staying at kingfisher caravan park for friends to pop over say good by and have a few beers.
Or just tell me to bugger off!

28/7/2011 04:42:15 pm

Hi. Glad you are not quite on your way out yet!! Hope you get sorted by the time you leave. Hope to pop up and see you before you go(if you havent made it to roundhill!) Good luck Old feller!!! x x x

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